Today, a great thing happened, my friend Chloe, who is a chocolate lab, came for a visit to her Grandma Pat's next door (tip...if you're in the neighborhood, Pat gives out biscuits if you sit by her door long enough). And I just couldn't help but follow Chloe right into the snow to play. We ran and jumped til I ran out of breath. Chloe is a lot younger than me, so she can run longer than me, but not faster!
Anyway, Chloe and I decided we could be outside in this all day, but since we have a weird backyard that can't be fenced because of the driveway, Mom has to supervise us to make sure we don't go on our own walk without her. And she usually likes to do this but she said, "Otto I have one more portrait of a yorkshire terrier to finish and I have to finish it today"..so that means I only get to go out on her 'breaks'.
No fair! Just when I decided I liked being in the snow after all!