Who IS a worthy opponent is Rocky. He's the rottie a few yards down who is kept in a little pen all day. He moans and cries and watches me run around, go next door for treats, nap in the sunshine on the soft grass, while he is stuck in that silly pen. His mom never walks him either, he is so jealous of me. I ignore him for the most part, but sometimes I run to the fence and bark at him 2 times. Just 2..and always 2. You dogs know what that means. My mom doesn't but she thinks it's funny.
I am soooo tired now at the end of the day. Mom keeps making me go into the house so she can paint her pictures of OTHER dogs and animals. Meanie. But I actually need the break, I have to keep one eye open when I nap outdoors...you never know when a squirrel might decide to attack!
Want to see mom's pet portraits? She says they keep me in milkbones! Thanks for visiting! Otto.