Friday, March 19, 2010

My Busy Days...Squirrels and Springtime

I really had a hard time this winter.  So now that it's warming up, the flowers are starting, mom and I are outdoors a LOT.  She rakes dead leaves and plants things, I supervise and keep the squirrels from attacking her.  I also monitor the birds.  The "regulars" are used to me and just go about their business.  They know I don't consider them worthy opponents.
Who IS a worthy opponent is Rocky.  He's the rottie a few yards down who is kept in a little pen all day.  He moans and cries and watches me run around, go next door for treats, nap in the sunshine on the soft grass, while he is stuck in that silly pen.  His mom never walks him either, he is so jealous of me.  I ignore him for the most part, but sometimes I run to the fence and bark at him 2 times.  Just 2..and always 2.  You dogs know what that means.  My mom doesn't but she thinks it's funny.

I am soooo tired now at the end of the day.  Mom keeps making me go into the house so she can paint her pictures of OTHER dogs and animals.  Meanie.  But I actually need the break, I have to keep one eye open when I nap never know when a squirrel might decide to attack!

Want to see mom's pet portraits?  She says they keep me in milkbones!  Thanks for visiting!  Otto.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mom's Pet Portraits caught up...but we're Cold. Real Cold.

So Mom's all caught up with her pet portrait commissions from Christmas and is now back to a nice normal pace, not crazy-every-second-counts kind of drawing and painting.

So should be lots of fun time for me.

But she's COOOOOLLLLLDDDDDD!  I do nag at her til she walks me, but first thing in the morning is out.  We have to wait til she warms up.

And car rides?  They are afraid to let me sit in the car too long, so I've been home more while they go out and about.  Tomorrow she has a painting refresher class, and you know she's going to leave me behind at home. Mom says for me to invite you to visit her Fan Page for her Animal Art, by the way...

So I can't wait for the weather to get a little warmer, it makes my life less boring.  But I do have to tell you, those seats in the Subaru that warm up?  I really love that.  It really does make it cozy when I'm navigating to wriggle down into that nice warm seat.  Mom says the expression on my face is priceless!   Love Otto