Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oh, this Snow! Mom's doing pet portraits and I'm stuck inside!

I love cold weather, never wear a coat and won't.  (I do wear my Chimney Inspector hat..on Santa Patrol).  But this much snow spooked me.  It came up way over my belly!  I wouldn't even help Dad shovel, which I usually supervise when it snows.  Instead, I laid on the couch looking really disturbed and upset...this was NOT regular!!  Luckily, even though we got almost two paws of snow (I mean, feet), humans made paths for us dogs so we could walk.  They used shovels and snow throwing machines that were loud like vacuum cleaners.  But they were good, I now have a maze out my backdoor to my driveway and then to the sidewalk, so I could take Mom out for her daily walk. 
Today, a great thing happened, my friend Chloe, who is a chocolate lab, came for a visit to her Grandma Pat's next door (tip...if you're in the neighborhood, Pat gives out biscuits if you sit by her door long enough).  And I just couldn't help but follow Chloe right into the snow to play.  We ran and jumped til I ran out of breath.  Chloe is a lot younger than me, so she can run longer than me, but not faster!

Anyway, Chloe and I decided we could be outside in this all day, but since we have a weird backyard that can't be fenced because of the driveway, Mom has to supervise us to make sure we don't go on our own walk without her.  And she usually likes to do this but she said, "Otto I have one more portrait of a yorkshire terrier to finish and I have to finish it today"..so that means I only get to go out on her 'breaks'.

No fair!  Just when I decided I liked being in the snow after all!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I'm lucky to get a walk...while mom does portraits of OTHER pets!

Yep, I remember this...she's in what she calls "the home stretch" doing pet portraits of OTHER people's pets, like this one. While I try and get her attention...strutting around with my ball and an enticing look in my eye...she just keeps saying, "later Otto I have to get this done".

I'm lucky she walks me. I thinks it's because she also has baked Christmas cookies. Otherwise, it's just watching her work. She says later...we'll see...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mom's Pet and Children's Portraits - In the Philadelphia Suburbs!

Did you know this? Mom and I work on pet portraits and childrens portraits from our studio outside of Philadelphia! Actually, she works, and I supervise.

I get her out for a long walk every morning. AND I make sure we play ball outside in the sunshine in the afternoons. And I get to snuggle next to her when she draws on the couch, and on nice days we sit outside on the porch while she works on her pet or childrens portraits! I love having my mom home.

When she worked somewhere called an office, she would tell me most days, "Otto, I have to go to work, I'll be back tonight. Be a good boy". What boring days those were! And on weekends, she'd say "Otto, today is a Mommy & Otto day!" Those were the fun days.

Now, we have Mommy and Otto days every day. We both hope it keeps up!