Friday, November 6, 2009

My New Trick

I eat mostly what Mom and Dad eat. Even vegetables! I love potatoes and carrots, especially. But in between, I really love my milkbones.

I have to remind Mom to get them for me. She's always working on her pet portraits and forgets that I like to snack. I'm nice and slim so it's not like I snack too much!

So to remind her, I started training her. I scratch on the refrigerator. My snackies are on top of it. Every time I do it, she says "Otto, stop that", and THEN I KNOW I'll get a treat.

But yesterday she said to me, "Otto, you're a shady guy. You've got me trained! Now we're going to learn a new trick, you have to earn your treats!"

So before she gives me a "Bisquie", I have to sit and tap my right paw 3 times. At least, that's what Mom is making me do! She askes me if I want a Bisquie and then she says, "Sit". And grabs my leg and taps in on the floor and says "One, two three, Bisquie!" and then I get it. This morning, when she asked me, I sat down and lifted my paw. It's a little confusing because I also like to shake hands and "high five". But mom thinks I can learn it. What do you think? Otto the Good Boy

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