Monday, November 9, 2009

Old Dog - New Trick

Want to know how I'm doing on my new trick? Mom expects me to tap on the floor 3 times when she says "Count to three". And that's the only way she'll give me a bisquie. (Yes, fellow doggies, I did try to get them without having to remember this trick).

After this weekend, I can remember to sit and to lift my right paw and put it back down once. So I have half the trick down, only have to remember to tap the floor 2 more times.

Dad said instead of saying "Count to Three", she should say "What's the square root of 9?". But since Dad does math all day and Mom does her dog art all day, she says she doesn't really remember what square roots are and they give her the shivers to even think about them. So she's sticking to the "Count to three". That's okay with me! Just so I get my bisquies when I want them.

What are you doing today dog friends? Are your humans teaching you a new trick? Otto the Good Boy

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